
We have imagined the perfect school...

In the perfect school, the hours are shorter than now because they are very long. There is a computing room and we can surf the web. We want Video Games Education ( V.G.E ) every day. There is a cafeteria for the pupils every day. When a teacher is absent we can go home . When we eat at school, we want a distribution of free ice-cream because we love it !
We want school to break up in January!
Give your opinion! What is the perfect school like to you?
Mostaffa, Alan and Sam


People at school

There are two categories of people at school: adults and pupils.
 In the adult category, there are a head, a deputy head, fifty-six teachers, three year heads, twelve supervisors, a nurse, a career advisor and a librarian; his name is M. Provost. There are also two mediators, a manager, three secretaries and a maintenance staff.
In the pupil category, some of us eat at school, some eat at home and some others live at school. They are boarders but they go back home for the weekend.

Harmel, Reda, Ali and Hamza


The contact book

  The contact book ("carnet de correspondance") is very important to enter school otherwise if we forget it, we cannot enter school. It is also there for punishment. It's used to communicate with parents and teachers.

Subjects at school

At school, we have got a lot of subjects like Biology, French, Chemistry, Maths, Latin, English, German, Spanish, History, Technology, Music, Arts and PE.
The timetable is extremely full because we finish at 6 o'clock every day except on Wednesdays and Fridays. 
We have school from half past eight to six o'clock except on Wednesdays when we are free in the afternoon. We have got a break every two hours.
 We have weeks A and B in the timetable. This is a special organisation. Every other week, we can start at 9.30 am on Fridays. The class is also divided into 2 groups for Biology classes. In the class, some of the pupils learn Spanish, German and Latin. It's a mixed languages class!

"I like Maths and English but I hate French, History and Technology because it's really hard for me", Jenanie

"I like PE, it's very funny. But I hate FRench because it's extremely hard", Pierre

"I like Arts it's beautiful and funny. But I hate French because it's very hard", Laura


About clothes at school...

At school we haven't got any uniforms. For example you can wear jeans, skirts (not too short), dresses (not too short), sweat shirts, pullovers, coats, boots, trainers, sneakers, ballet shoes... However, you can't wear hats or scarves on you head because it's forbidden. Indeed we can't show any religious signs because we're in a non-religious school. As far as PE is concerned, you need special clothes: tennis shoes, joggings, a t-shirt. When you go swimming, you take a swimsuit and a swimming cap. 
Our system is not as strict as yours because we can express our personality through our clothes. However, uniforms allow every people to be on the same level.

Here are some pictures to give you an idea!


The playground


Some pictures first! (by Enguerrand)

The entrance

The entrance

More details about Asnières!

In the town of Asnieres - sur - seine , there are 83 300 inhabitants . The mayor is Sébastien Pietrasanta . When he was young he was a pupil in our school !
The city of Asnieres was mentioned
for the first time in 12th century .
The inhabitants are called Asniérois .
Asnières is a very beautiful city !!

Asnières Town Hall (Google images)

Nadia , Anissa , Marine and Julie


More about Asnières!

Asnières is a suburb, located in the Northwest of Paris, around the river Seine . As it's located near Paris, this city is not clean. The air is polutted as well as water. There are many people who work in Paris and live in Asnières. Many people try to go by car but there is a lot of traffic, especially during the rush hours. Because of that, the air is polluted by these many cars. So the Asniérois take the tube or bus to go to work. Before there was only one tube stration so it wasn't easy for people who don't live in this district but three months ago, two new stations were built up so now life is much easier!

The underground station near our school (Google images)

Yong A and Crilee

Some general information about our town

The Eiffel Tower (Google images) 

Asnières is near Paris, so we are close to many interesting sites, for example the Opera, the Louvre (museum), the Palace of Versailles, the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame de PAris (it was built between the 12 and 14th centuries). The Arc de Triomphe is also very famous as well as the avenue of the Champs Elysées, the most prestigious avenue in Paris.
Here are some pictures of famous monuments in Paris: 

The Louvre (Google images)

Cédric, Mostaffa, Alan and Alex


Les classes du collège en Ecosse

S1 = 12-13 ans
S2 = 13-14 ans
S3 = 14-15 ans
S4 = 15-16 ans
Examen: Standard Grade
S5 = 16-17 ans
Examen: Highers
S6 = 17-18 ans
(Pas obligatoire)
Examen: Advanced Highers

Kieran Douglas, Lauren Young, Michael Watson

Les matières scolaires à St Columba

A St Columba, on étudie: les maths, l’anglais, le français, le dessin, le sport, les sciences, la géographie, l’informatique, la cuisine, l’éducation religieuse, la technologie, la musique, la chimie, l'histoire et l'éducation civique.

On préfère le sport et la cuisine et le dessin.

Le dessin c’est amusant.
La cuisine c’est intéressant.
Le sport c’est super.

Andrew Campbell, Rachel Lipsett & Rhuari Mitchell


Les vacances scolaires à Clydebank

18 août : la rentrée

25 septembre - 29 septembre : le week-end de septembre

10 octobre - 20 octobre : la semaine d’octobre

23 décembre – 7 janvier : les vacances de Noël

13 février – 18 février : les vacances de février

3 avril – 20 avril : les vacances de Pâques

4 mai : la Fête de mai

21 mai – 26 mai : le week-end de mai

26 juin : les vacances d’été

Callum Doogan, Kirsty Duffy & Stephanie Gallagher

L'emploi du temps des 2K2 en français et anglais

Kevin McInally & Darren Stewart


L'uniforme de St Columba

A St Columba, les filles portent :

Un pantalon noir ou une jupe noire

Une chemise blanche

Un collant noir

Un pull noir

Une cravate verte, bleu fonc
é et jaune

Des chaussettes noires

Des chaussures noires

Une veste noire

L’uniforme c’est super !!!

A St Columba, les garçons portent:

* un pantalon noir

* une chemise blanche

* un pull noir

* une cravate jaune, verte et bleu foncé

* des chaussettes noires

* des chaussures noires

* une veste noire

L’uniforme, c’est super !

Texte: Chloe Biggins, Ryan Lamont et Kayleigh Pollock

Images: Kevin Ferns, Morghan Lawlor, Chloé Mullen et Leighona Quinn